Over a three day holiday weekend in Mexico, we decided to take a trip with our friends to Laguna Bacalar. The six of us packed up the car and headed out early Saturday morning. After a lot of bathroom breaks, we made it to our house for the weekend around 1pm. Our first glimpse of the water was breathtaking. You see, Laguna Bacalar is also called the lagoon of seven colors for the seven shades of blue water. Due to a rainy winter season, the water was more turquoise, but boy was it beautiful! We quickly unpacked, explored the beautiful house, and headed out on the pier. Our house, Casa Vista Magia, was located on the water with beautiful views from both of its two stories.
It was windy on our first two days in Bacalar. We tried to kayak, key word “tried.” I was still proud of myself for being brave enough to try it out for my first time in less than ideal conditions. All of us went swimming, bobbing up and down in the waves. Saturday night half of the group went to the nearby small town, also called Bacalar, to get some pizza to bring back to the house. We spent our nights playing dominoes and Uno as a group, laughing and making memories.
For some reason I woke up early both mornings that we were there. It allowed me some reflecting time on the pier with a beautiful view. Yes, I saw the sun rise. On Monday, I talked Billy into waking up with me and going on a very enjoyable kayak ride to the different shades of water. We also noticed a crazy amount of catfish and fed them pieces of bread off of the pier.
While in Bacalar, we also took the time to visit a nearby cenote, Cenote Azul. It is the biggest cenote in Mexico. We took a quick dip and did some snorkeling, although there weren’t many fish to see. We had a very late lunch at the restaurant at Cenote Azul and then walked back to our house for some friendly competition in cards.

Overall our time in Bacalar was definitely too short! We were amazed that such gorgeous, blue water was in a FRESH water lake. It was so relaxing and a little piece of heaven to visit. We enjoyed spending time with some of our favorite people, and it kind of felt like home, hanging out at a camp on the water.